The potency of place must be a marvelous thing, and take precedence of all other things… That is what place [topos] is: the first unchangeable limit (peras) of that which surrounds.[1]



[1] In Edward S. Casey, The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), 52, 55.

In the second statement – the one concerning the definition of place – I have added the Greek word ‘topos’ between brackets, which is the original Greek term used by Aristotle, and which is usually translated as ‘place’ in English; conversely, the word ‘peras’, between brackets as well, belongs to the original quotation made by Casey, and it stands for the Greek translation of the English word ‘limit’. Both statements by Aristotle appear in Aristotle’s Physics: Book III (208b3), and Book IV (212a20-21), respectively.

Cited Work

Casey, Edward S. The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.

Image Credits

Featured Image (source): Coast view from the ancient Stagira, GR, on

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  • Alice Whitaker
    Posted January 21, 2023 1:41 pm 0Likes

    Loved reading this thaanks

    • Alessandro Calvi Rollino
      Posted January 23, 2023 3:34 pm 0Likes

      You are welcome

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