Tag: topos


Limit Place Appearance

Since I was an undergraduate student at the School of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, in the 1990s, the concept of space almost exclusively attracted my attention. I soon learned — from critics and architects — that Architecture was a discipline concerned with space; but it took me a while to understand what that really meant; and it took me even…

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Place Kicks Us Back, Space…

… does not. Heidegger’s introductory paragraph of the book What Is a Thing? — which is the extended subject of the forthcoming article — is particularly appropriate for further clarification concerning the concepts of place and space (or, at least, it is appropriate for clarification concerning my proposal for rethinking those concepts). As the title of the book suggests, Heidegger’s…

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The Place of a Thing

I briefly come back to the renewed sense of place I’ve spoken about in the previous article – What Is Place? What Is Space? – where I’ve said that  ‘place is any real entity emerging from inorganic, organic, social and symbolic – or intellectual – processes’ (definition I-R. a); more extendedly – and including a basic definition of reality on…

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