Tag: peras


Limit Place Appearance

Since I was an undergraduate student at the School of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano, in the 1990s, the concept of space almost exclusively attracted my attention. I soon learned — from critics and architects — that Architecture was a discipline concerned with space; but it took me a while to understand what that really meant; and it took me even…

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Place Kicks Us Back, Space…

… does not. Heidegger’s introductory paragraph of the book What Is a Thing? — which is the extended subject of the forthcoming article — is particularly appropriate for a further clarification concerning the concepts of place and space (or, at least, it is appropriate for a clarification concerning my proposal for rethinking those concepts). As the title of the book…

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The Place of a Thing

I briefly come back to the renewed sense of place I’ve spoken about in the previous article – What Is Place? What Is Space? – where I’ve said that  ‘place is any real entity emerging from inorganic, organic, social and symbolic – or intellectual – processes’ (definition I-R. a); more extendedly – and including a basic definition of reality on…

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Aristotle on the Concept of Place (Topos)

The potency of place must be a marvelous thing, and take precedence of all other things… That is what place [topos] is: the first unchangeable limit (peras) of that which surrounds.[1] Note [1] In Edward S. Casey, The Fate of Place: A Philosophical History (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), 52, 55. In the second statement – the one concerning…