Tag: concept of place

>News, Architecture, Processes( )Systems, Transdisciplinary, Urban Planning

The Place of Architecture The Architecture of Place – Part II: A Historical Survey   

This article is a critical response to a conventional mode of interpreting architecture, which goes back to the XIX century and which takes ‘space’ as the most relevant interpretative key for the discipline.[1] This long-established traditional vision overshadows the not-often recognized fact that for any space to exist (either architectural, sociocultural, or pseudo-physical) place must be already on the stage.…

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>News, Architecture, Transdisciplinary

On Place and Site

This article is about a distinction we often tend to overlook: the difference between ‘place’ and ‘site’. Even if the two terms are both used to denote a territory or a piece of land, I hold – as others have done before me –[1] there is a reduction of meaning in the passage from ‘place’ to ‘site’: a reduction which…

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The Alexander-Eisenman Debate on the Background of Different Spatial Theories

In 1982 renowned architects and theorists Christopher Alexander and Peter Eisenman met at Harvard University — Graduate School of Design — to debate on the concept of harmony in architecture: ‘Contrasting Concepts of Harmony in Architecture’ was the argument of that witty, biting, and ironic debate, which was originally published in the magazine Lotus International n° 40 (1983), and later…

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Art, Epistemology

The Treachery of Space

I return to one of the arguments that interested me the most since I entered the spatial debate: the realism of space. This question inevitably connects to the spatial language we use to describe phenomena between concrete and abstract aspects of reality. But, most of all — I will especially argue in the final part of the text — this…

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