Tag: Alessandro Calvi Rollino Architetto



… it is helpful to think of architectures as ‘archi-textures’, to treat each monument or building, viewed in its surroundings and context, in the populated area and associated networks in which it is set down, as part of a particular production of space. HENRY LEFEBVRE, The Production of Space In this article, I will show how the concepts of space…

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What Is Architecture?

Architecture creates spaces and modifies places for dwelling. That is my definition of architecture: a discipline primarily concerned with space, place, and ‘dwelling’, which is its ultimate scope. A discipline in-between the ideal (i.e., the mental) and the physical (i.e., the corporeal), the abstract and the concrete, the potential and the actual. Spaces, which are ideal and abstract entities, can…

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Architecture as Place of Sustainability

The argument I’m introducing regards the result of my initial inquiry into the relation between architecture and the concept of environmental sustainability, which is an issue I began to work on in the second part of the last decade. The draft of this document goes back to the late 2012 and it was the architectural follow-on of the more general…

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This video-clip is a survey on Perception and Geometry and it shows the process of construction of an architectural form, analyzing a case study based on the preliminary concepts of the author’s project Vaxjo Tennis Hall. The showcased three-dimensional model, whose lines and surfaces define an architectural text similar to a texture – this language I also call archi-texture or…

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> Featured Article, Transdisciplinary

Rethinking Space and Place

In September 2014, I participated in the 5th Global Conference on Space and Place, at Mansfield College, Oxford, UK. The conference was organized by Interdisciplinary.net, a former British Association for Interdisciplinary Research and Publishing. My paper, titled From Space to Place, A Necessary Paradigm Shift in Architecture, was included by the organizing committee in the ‘Rethinking Space and Place’ section,…

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