Tag: Archytian axiom

Books, Metaphysics

Being as Place: Introduction to Metaphysics – Part One

Based on the new translation of Heidegger’s Introduction to Metaphysics (2000), this article, aside from presenting Heidegger’s metaphysical discourse on Being, aims at elucidating the ground for my reinterpretation of the traditional concept of place and the related concepts of space, time, and matter. This ground has many intersecting threads with Heidegger’s elucidation of the notion of Being, as elaborated…

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> Featured Article, Metaphysics

The Archytian Axiom

To be (at all) is to be in (some) place Archytian Axiom This is how the Archytian axiom is reported by Edward Casey in the book The Fate of Place.[1] That formulation is slightly different from the original Archytas’ statement Casey refers to, as reported by Simplicius – ‘all existing things are in place or not without place’ –, in…